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One accounting of Prez Biden's "mixed legacy" on criminal justice matters

Sentencing Law & Policy - Tue, 01/28/2025 - 20:31
Law360 recently published this review of the last president's criminal justice record authored by Marco Poggio under the headline "Biden Leaves Mixed Legacy On Criminal Justice Issues." The extended piece is effective, though necessarily summary, and it starts this way:... Douglas A. Berman Criminal justice in the Biden Administration Who Sentences

"Early Termination: Shortening Federal Supervision Terms Without Endangering Public Safety"

Sentencing Law & Policy - Tue, 01/28/2025 - 15:43
The title of this post is the title of this new paper authored by Thomas Cohen available via SSRN. Here is its abstract: In the U.S. federal system, courts have the discretion to grant early termination of supervision for people... Douglas A. Berman Data on sentencing Detailed sentencing data Purposes of Punishment and Sentencing Reentry and community supervision

Prison Policy Initiative releases "Bad Behavior: How prison disciplinary policies manufacture misconduct"

Sentencing Law & Policy - Tue, 01/28/2025 - 11:24
Brian Nam-Sonenstein and Nell Haney have authored this new Prison Policy Initiative report titled "Bad Behavior: How prison disciplinary policies manufacture misconduct." The subheading of the report highlights its coverage and themes: Prison disciplinary systems are supposed to provide safety,... Douglas A. Berman Prisons and prisoners Procedure and Proof at Sentencing Who Sentences

"The Right To A Jury And The Rise Of Guilty Pleas Across Common Law Countries"

Sentencing Law & Policy - Mon, 01/27/2025 - 10:38
The title of this post is the title of this new essay authored by Carissa Byrne Hessick now available via SSRN. Here is its abstract: Juries have long been considered a key common law institution, yet their use has become... Douglas A. Berman Procedure and Proof at Sentencing Sentencing around the world

A couple of interesting items on latest SCOTUS order list

Sentencing Law & Policy - Mon, 01/27/2025 - 10:18
Most of the case dispositions on this morning's Supreme Court's order list are cert denials, though there are a couple of items of interest for sentencing and criminal justice fans. First, the Supreme Court issued another Sixth Amendment GVR based... Douglas A. Berman Procedure and Proof at Sentencing Sentences Reconsidered Who Sentences

US Sentencing Commission promulgates another set of notable "Proposed Amendments to the Sentencing Guidelines (Preliminary)"

Sentencing Law & Policy - Fri, 01/24/2025 - 15:25
As detailed in this prior post, the US Sentencing Commission last month voted unanimously to "Publish Proposed Guideline Amendments and Issues for Comment" on the topics of guideline simplification, criminal hisotry, firearm offenses, circuit conflicts and retroactivity. Though that was... Douglas A. Berman Drug Offense Sentencing Federal Sentencing Guidelines Reentry and community supervision Who Sentences

You be the umpire: what sentence for Shohei Ohtani’s ex-interpreter?

Sentencing Law & Policy - Fri, 01/24/2025 - 11:59
January is always an exciting sports month, especially for football fans. After a wonderful college football playoff can to a terrific end earlier this week, I am now especially looking forward to the NFL games this weekend that will deterine... Douglas A. Berman Booker in district courts Celebrity sentencings Federal Sentencing Guidelines Offender Characteristics Offense Characteristics

Prez Trum pardons 23 ant-abortion protesters convicted under the FACE Act

Sentencing Law & Policy - Thu, 01/23/2025 - 22:30
Another day, another set of notable pardond from Prez Donald Trump. As reported in this Hill piece, "President Trump issued pardons Thursday for nearly two dozen anti-abortion activists who had been convicted of blockading abortion clinic entrances." Here is more:... Douglas A. Berman Clemency and Pardons Sentences Reconsidered Who Sentences

Latest CCJ accounting details "Crime Trends in U.S. Cities: Year-End 2024 Update"

Sentencing Law & Policy - Thu, 01/23/2025 - 16:09
The Council on Criminal Justice (CCJ) today released its latest accoutning of modern crime trends through this new report titled "Crime Trends in U.S. Cities: Year-End 2024 Update." Here are the ecouragnig "Key Takeaways" from the stated to this new... Douglas A. Berman National and State Crime Data

"Is Death Different?"

Sentencing Law & Policy - Thu, 01/23/2025 - 15:53
The title of this post is the title of this notable new paper authored by Jacob Bronsther now available via SSRN. Here is its abstract: This Article attempts to unite the movements against the death penalty and mass incarceration. The... Douglas A. Berman Death Penalty Reforms Purposes of Punishment and Sentencing Scope of Imprisonment

Prez Trump pardons two DC police officers convicted for deadly chase and coverup

Sentencing Law & Policy - Wed, 01/22/2025 - 23:55
Prez Trump is not yet tired of using his clemency pen, as this new New York Times piece reports: "President Trump on Wednesday issued full and unconditional pardons to two Washington, D.C., police officers convicted after a chase that killed... Douglas A. Berman Clemency and Pardons Sentences Reconsidered Who Sentences

Going beyond his promises, Prez Trump fully pardons Ross Ulbright, who was serving LWOP sentence for drug crimes

Sentencing Law & Policy - Wed, 01/22/2025 - 14:34
When speaking to a libertarian group in May of last year, as noted in this post and reported in this Fox News piece, Donald Trump "vowed to commute the prison sentence of Ross Ulbricht, the founder of the online drug-selling... Douglas A. Berman Clemency and Pardons Drug Offense Sentencing Sentences Reconsidered Who Sentences

US Justice Department issues "Interim Policy Changes Regarding Charging, Sentencing, And Immigration Enforcement"

Sentencing Law & Policy - Wed, 01/22/2025 - 13:11
Reported today in Politico and the Washington Post and other outlets is this notable new memo (dated January 21, 2025) from the Department of Justice titled "Interim Policy Changes Regarding Charging, Sentencing, And Immigration Enforcement." The press pieces highlight the... Douglas A. Berman Procedure and Proof at Sentencing Who Sentences

SCOTUS issues another notable 7-2 per curiam procedural reversal in a capital habeas case

Sentencing Law & Policy - Tue, 01/21/2025 - 22:12
The first "opinion" of the current Supreme Court Term was handed down as a curious little per curiam ruling in Hamm v. Smith after a recond number of relists. As dicussed in this post from early November 2024, the Court... Douglas A. Berman Death Penalty Reforms Procedure and Proof at Sentencing Sentences Reconsidered Who Sentences

New sheriff in Oval Office means some quick changes in federal prison policy and leadership

Sentencing Law & Policy - Tue, 01/21/2025 - 15:44
At the local level, sheriffs ofer have responsibilities for jails. At the national level, the President has ultimate reponsibility for federal prisons. And, with a new President, we get some new prison developments as reported in these two new pieces:... Douglas A. Berman Criminal justice in the Trump Administration Prisons and prisoners Who Sentences

Prez Trump issues executive order on "restoring the death penalty and protecting public saftety"

Sentencing Law & Policy - Tue, 01/21/2025 - 15:33
As well summarized in this AP article, "President Donald Trump signed a sweeping execution order Monday on the death penalty." Here is more: Trump’s order, coming just hours after he returned to the White House, compels the Justice Department to... Douglas A. Berman Criminal justice in the Trump Administration Death Penalty Reforms Procedure and Proof at Sentencing Who Sentences

Prez Trump grants 14 sommutations and blanket pardons to all other Jan 6 defendants

Sentencing Law & Policy - Mon, 01/20/2025 - 21:36
Prez Trump, only hours after returning to the presidency, made robust use of his clemency powers by granting commutations and pardons for via this order titled "GRANTING PARDONS AND COMMUTATION OF SENTENCES FOR CERTAIN OFFENSES RELATING TO THE EVENTS AT... Douglas A. Berman Clemency and Pardons Sentences Reconsidered Who Sentences

Any inclined to make predictions about the federal prison population — which is now at 155,399 according to BOP?

Sentencing Law & Policy - Mon, 01/20/2025 - 14:34
In this post four years ago as Prez Biden took over from Prez Trump, I noted that, on the the first full day of the new Biden Administration (January 21, 2021), the federal Bureau of Prisons then reported "Total Federal... Douglas A. Berman Criminal justice in the Biden Administration Criminal justice in the Trump Administration Prisons and prisoners Scope of Imprisonment


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