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A Moment To Imagine

Several months ago, there was a new movie playing in theaters called, "I Can Only Imagine". Take a moment and imagine with me...

Imagine the worst thing you have ever done in your entire life! It may have been something that no one else knows about. If it was criminal or illegal you might not have ever been caught! Close your eyes and reflect back to that moment. Now, consider your present place in life, your husband or wife, your children and your job. How would you feel, and how would your life be different, if the entire rest of your life were judged based on that ONE MOMENT IN TIME? What would your penalty have been? How would your family and friends treat you? Could you still have achieved your educational, career and life goals?

Now, try to picture standing in front of a man twice your age. You instantly feel alienated, he doesn't look like you, he doesn't talk like you. He is pronouncing judgment upon you! His seat is elevated and he is looking down upon you. As he speaks you imagine he is speaking of a jungle animal, he speaks of it's prowess, it's unrefined strength, it's inability to reason or show emotion. The environment seems so cold, so detached from the rest of the world. The room is ornately decorated, wooden rails and tables, stately colors. The ceilings seem so high, you feel so small. The space seems enormous. You hear the people in the room speaking about you, but it seems if you are not even there. To capture a glimpse at the inquisitor you must look up, he seems so far away from you and a bar separates you.. Not only is he seated higher, but you feel that he is towering over you. It feels like you are in the shadow of a ten thousand foot giant. You can physically feel the weight of his presence, you want to speak but no words will come out and you have been advised, urged, warned to stay silent! Words are being tossed around that you have never heard, much less understand. Everything seems to be moving so fast, you feel scared, you feel anxious. Your palms begin to sweat, your heart is beating so hard it seems like it is going to pound out of your chest. The words being spoken into your ears about you seem so convincing, you almost want to believe them yourself. It seems so matter of fact! Yet, your life and freedom are on the line. How can you be heard, if you can't speak. How can your story receive life, if you are compelled to silence?

Take another moment and think, imagine that the single worst thing in your life is now dictating the rest of your life. You can't see your mother because of it! You can't see your children because of it! You are removed from your community because it! No high school reunion, no graduations, no weddings, no funerals! You regret that ONE MOMENT IN TIME, you don't know what you were thinking, but you know you will never do anything like that again. You miss your mom! You miss your best friend! You miss your dog! You are confined 50 miles away from your hometown, but you feel like you are on another planet. There are no cell phones, no computers, you have to keep your food on melting ice because there is no refrigerators. There is no internet or Netflix, only occasional T.V. There are often brutal blood baths that resemble the days of the roman coliseum, the only colors you see are drab gay and white.

If you can imagine any of this, you can see and feel the life and events of one of the millions of people incarcerated in the U.S. today. It could have been you, it could be your father, son, wife or daughter! Help by making your contribution to reforming the criminal justice system. It effects your community everyday, it is not a matter of how but when it will affect you!

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