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Michigan Supreme Court finds violation of state constitution in applying sex offender registry to non-sexual offenders

Thu, 08/01/2024 - 13:33
A divided Michigan Supreme Court, splitting 5-2, ruled earlier this week in Michigan v. Lymon, No. 164685 (Mich. Julu 29, 2024) (available here), that its state constitution precluded putting people convicted of non-sexual crimes on the state's sex-offender registry. Here... Douglas A. Berman Offense Characteristics Procedure and Proof at Sentencing Reentry and community supervision Sex Offender Sentencing Who Sentences

Federal prosecutors finalizes plea deals with three 9/11 defendants for LWOP sentences

Thu, 08/01/2024 - 08:09
In this post last year, I noted that families of 9/11 victims had been notified that military prosecutors and defense lawyers were exploring plea deals for certain defendants that would take the death penalty off the table. Last night, as... Douglas A. Berman Procedure and Proof at Sentencing Who Sentences

South Carolina Supreme Court finds all three of state's execution methods to be constitutional

Wed, 07/31/2024 - 14:06
As reported in this local article, a "majority on the S.C. Supreme Court has ruled that allowing death row inmates the choice of the electric chair or firing squad to carry out their sentences does not constitute cruel and unusual... Douglas A. Berman Baze and Glossip lethal injection cases Death Penalty Reforms Sentences Reconsidered Who Sentences

Notable echoes of Grants Pass reverberating throughout California

Wed, 07/31/2024 - 13:32
The US Supreme Court in Grants Passlast month turned away claims that the Eighth Amendment precluded charging homeless with crimes from camping/sleeping in certain areas (basics here). There are been an array of legal and political echoes from the ruling,... Douglas A. Berman Offender Characteristics Offense Characteristics Who Sentences

Reviewing concerns (and litigation) over extreme heat in prisons and jails

Tue, 07/30/2024 - 23:15
This new Washington Post piece discusses the long-standing and extreme problem of extreme heat in US prisons and jails. The full headline of this piece highlights its essentials: "For inmates, little escape from brutal heat in prisons without air conditioning:... Douglas A. Berman Prisons and prisoners

"Probation and the shadow carceral state: Legal envisioning from Minnesota"

Tue, 07/30/2024 - 10:51
The title of this post is the title of this new article just published in the journal Theoretical Criminology and authored by Michelle Phelps and Eric Seligman. Here is its abstract: The transformation of US punishment in the late 20th... Douglas A. Berman Purposes of Punishment and Sentencing Reentry and community supervision

Intriguing DPIC analysis of capital clemency grants over last 46 years

Mon, 07/29/2024 - 21:23
The Death Penalty Information Center (DPIC) recently posted here an interesting analysis of "all 82 grants of clemency to individual death-sentenced prisoners between 1977-2023, excluding mass clemency grants." Here is how D{IC summarizes its findings at the start of the... Douglas A. Berman Clemency and Pardons Death Penalty Reforms Sentences Reconsidered Who Sentences

"Rescheduling Marijuana: Implications for Criminal and Collateral Consequences"

Mon, 07/29/2024 - 16:41
The title of this post is the title of this short document prepared by the Congressional Research Service. The document is notable mostly for its review of marijuana's existing criminal and collateral consequences than for a review of the implication... Douglas A. Berman Drug Offense Sentencing Marijuana Legalization in the States Offense Characteristics Pot Prohibition Issues Who Sentences

Why not consider some form of term limits for all federal judges, not just Supreme Court Justices?

Mon, 07/29/2024 - 09:46
I fully understand why the Supreme Court and its Justices get so much attention. But I also know that anyone deeply concerned about federal jurisprudence, especially as it relates to criminal justice administration, must also attend to the work and... Douglas A. Berman Who Sentences

"Crime rates are improving. Too bad crime data is not."

Sun, 07/28/2024 - 21:14
The title of this post is the headline of this new Washington Post editorial. Here are excerpts: There’s encouraging news about crime rates in the United States. After a spike in both violent crime and property offenses after the pandemic-and-protest... Douglas A. Berman Data on sentencing National and State Crime Data

A comment on comments seeking again to encourage on-topic, productive and polite comments

Fri, 07/26/2024 - 16:40
About a week ago, a commentor started a comment this way: "Wow. Every single time I look at comments in hopes of more insight into the main subject, all I get is a handful of cheap shots at the political... Douglas A. Berman On blogging

"Algorithms in Judges’ Hands: Incarceration and Inequity in Broward County, Florida"

Fri, 07/26/2024 - 16:13
The title of this post is the title of this article recently posted to SSRN authored by Utsav Bahl, Chad M. Topaz and others. Here is its abstract: Judicial and carceral systems increasingly use criminal risk assessment algorithms to make... Douglas A. Berman Offender Characteristics Procedure and Proof at Sentencing Race, Class, and Gender State Sentencing Guidelines Technocorrections Who Sentences

US Sentencing Commission schedules big meeting for August 8, 2024 to vote on retroactivity and priorities

Thu, 07/25/2024 - 22:14
As detailed in this official announcement, two weeks from today is the scheduled date for a big official public meeting for the US Sentencing Commission to take big votes on two sets of important issues. Here is the full announcement:... Douglas A. Berman Federal Sentencing Guidelines Who Sentences

Notable Third Circuit panel ruling finds ineffectiveness in erroneous sentencing plea advice

Thu, 07/25/2024 - 21:38
A helpful reader alerted me to a new panel ruling from the Third Circuit in Baker v. US, No. 23-2059 (3d Cir. July 25, 2024) (available here). The start of the extended opinion highlights why it seems to me notable:... Douglas A. Berman Mandatory minimum sentencing statutes Procedure and Proof at Sentencing

"Incarceration Reimagined: A Diversionary Option for Serious Felony Offenders"

Thu, 07/25/2024 - 10:15
The title of this post is the title of this new article authored by Jane Mitchell now available via SSRN. Here is its abstract: In today's polarized political climate, criminal justice reform remains one of the few issues that spans... Douglas A. Berman Criminal Sentences Alternatives Purposes of Punishment and Sentencing

Latest CCJ accounting covers "Crime Trends in U.S. Cities: Mid-Year 2024 Update"

Thu, 07/25/2024 - 09:44
The Council on Criminal Justice (CCJ) today released its latest accoutning of recent crime trends through this new report titled "Crime Trends in U.S. Cities: Mid-Year 2024 Update." Here are the encouraging essentials from the the report's "Overview": This study... Douglas A. Berman National and State Crime Data Offense Characteristics

Reviewing recent developments as more states consider second-look sentencing reviews

Wed, 07/24/2024 - 17:22
Stateline has this new piece on the growing interest at the state level of second-look sentencing reviews. The piece is worth a full read, though its themes are summarized in the full headline: "Efforts to release prisoners from long sentences... Douglas A. Berman Procedure and Proof at Sentencing Sentences Reconsidered Who Sentences

"COVID-19 and the New Pains of Imprisonment"

Wed, 07/24/2024 - 11:30
The title of this post is the title of this new article recently published in The British Journal of Criminology authored by Veronica Horowitz, Synøve Andersen and Jordan Hyatt. Here is its abstract: As the COVID-19 pandemic upended life worldwide,... Douglas A. Berman Impact of the coronavirus on criminal justice Prisons and prisoners

The Sentencing Project releases updated fact sheet on "Incarcerated Women and Girls"

Wed, 07/24/2024 - 10:50
The Sentencing Project today released this updated six-page fact sheet titled "Incarcerated Women and Girls." The document has lots of data and graphics providing details of how and why "female incarcerated population stands almost seven times higher than in 1980."... Douglas A. Berman Data on sentencing Prisons and prisoners Race, Class, and Gender Scope of Imprisonment

US Sentencing Commission releases over 1200 pages of public comment on proposed priorities

Tue, 07/23/2024 - 08:46
As noted in this post last month, the US Sentencing Commission recently released a "Federal Register Notice of Proposed 2024-2025 Priorities" which suggested that the USSC was eager in this coming guideline-amendment year to take a "big-picture" look at the... Douglas A. Berman Federal Sentencing Guidelines Purposes of Punishment and Sentencing Who Sentences


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